Mr. Sylvester Gule

Sylvester Gule is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Nesvax Innovations Limited. He oversees the strategic position and the day-to-day running of the Company. Sylvester holds a Bachelors of Education Degree (Chemistry and Physics) and graduate studies in Instrumentation and Business Administration.

Sylvester has hands-on experience in specialized instrumentation having worked for 7 years in research and development at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in various capacities and projects. At ICIPE he trained and worked extensively with Chromatography, Spectroscopy, and Life Sciences instruments. He has experience working with the following brands’ Waters HPLC and GC, Beckman HPLC, HP /Agilent GC, HPLC, MS etc, Varian-GC, HPLC, MS, AAS, ICP-OES, Thermo GC, MS, Sciex LCMSMS, Scion; GC, HPLC, GCMS and Analytik Jena UV-VIS, AAS, ICPOES and ICPMS.

He has undergone several Management trainings provided by the Supply Chain partners over the past 12 (Twelve) years in Kenya and abroad.