High-Tech Turbidimeters for Increased Sensitivity and Accuracy
Turbidity is a core parameter that needs to be tested not only in clean water and dirty water but also in beverages. Like its other lab equipment, HACH has designed both portable, online and benchtop turbidimeters. HACH has developed and patented a revolutionary 360° x 90° Detection Technology in the TU5200 laboratory turbidimeters and TU5400 online turbidimeters.
This technology allows you to see more of your sample that any other turbidimeter in the market. This is facilitated by the projection of a laser light beam at the base of the sample cell and the resulting reflected beam is captured by a series of detectors which have been strategically placed all around the sample cell. This unique optimal design guarantees the best precision and sensitivity.
If you need a portable turbidimeter, the 2100Q has a robust design that can easily withstand the dusty and wet conditions in the field. Moreover, it has a Rapidly Settling Turbidity™ mode which ensures that you get the most accurate results even with the most difficult, settling samples.
Our turbidimeters are suitable for use in drinking water applications, waste water applications, beverage applications, industrial water, power applications, food QC lab and field use.
Please contact Nesvax Innovations Ltd at info@nesvax.co.ke or visit www.nesvax.co.ke or www.hach.com for more information.